Automated Testing
With an emphasis on automation, CAES test capabilities include hundreds of automated test stations plus automation software and processes that allow CAES to minimize test time and maximize first-pass yield.
Environmental and Dynamics Testing
CAES offers comprehensive test laboratory services including environmental, dynamic, and vibration, testing and analysis, addressing commercial, military, and aerospace requirements for applications including engineering design verification, environmental stress screening, reliability verification and qualification testing.
High Power Test Solutions
CAES engineers are experts in the design and implementation of cooling techniques for high density, tightly-packaged electronic assemblies. CAES couples this capability with specialized test equipment, including high-gamma, load pull resources, and unique, high radiated power, ferrite-lined environmental test chambers.
Antenna Test Ranges
With both indoor anechoic chambers and outdoor pattern test ranges, all of which provide real-time, digitally-captured data, CAES has the capability to quickly and accurately characterize all aspects of antenna performance from HF through W-Band.

Antenna Test Ranges
Antenna Test Ranges
To enable rapid, accurate antenna design and characterization, CAES provides antenna test ranges, highly automated anechoic chambers and an industry leading team of experienced antenna engineers.
With both indoor anechoic chambers and outdoor pattern test ranges, all of which provide real-time, digitally captured data, CAES quickly and accurately characterizes all aspects of antenna performance from high frequency through W-Band. Our suite of anechoic chambers provides broad capabilities for far-field radiation pattern and RCS (radar cross-section) measurements, near-field scanning and high-power testing.
Radiation Pattern Measurement
Automated, digitally-controlled anechoic chambers enable rapid and accurate antenna characterization and provide real-time, digitally-captured data for far field requirements through the W-Band.
Radar Cross Section Measurement
Compact antenna test ranges, custom test bodies, computational electromagnetic software and analysis tools accurately assess and optimize antenna RCS performance.
Near Field Measurement
Near field test chambers deliver pin-point measurements within antenna arrays, and, when combined with computational electromagnetic software and analysis tools, provide optimized antenna array design and test.
High Power Test
Unique, ferrite-lined, RF-shielded environmental test chambers and wideband TWT (traveling-wave tube) or GaN (gallium nitride) RF amplifiers facilitate antenna high-power testing under simulated altitude conditions.

Automated Test and Tune
Automated Test and Tune
To reduce customer product and program costs, CAES uniquely employs a high level of automation in the testing and tuning processes.
With an emphasis on automation, CAES test capabilities include hundreds of automated RF SMART™ test stations, plus automation processes and techniques that allow CAES to further minimize test time, enabling volume production of highly reliable products that conform to stringent customer specifications.

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