With 35 years of proven experience in design and manufacture of precision positioning systems, CAES provides SPS Digital Controls for commercial and military applications with the best combination of reliability, precision and value.
CAES' SPS Digital Controls consist of:
- SPS-2722 Servo Digital Controls - designed for commercial applications
- SPS-2840 Micro Digital Controls - designed for military applications
The SPS Digital Controls are available in a variety of formats: PC-104 or custom control cards, and are common across the entire SPS Positioner product line.
Available package housings include:
- Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)
- National Electronics Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- Air Transport Rack (ATR)
- Custom packaged within the stabilized gimbal system
The architecture utilizes Industrial Pack (IP) modules to implement a wide variety of interfaces and features including:
- Analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters
- Resolver-to-digital (R/D) converters
- Digital and analog input output (I/O) interfaces
- Inter-range instrumentation group (IRIG) timing
- Auto video tracking
- Communications interfaces such as RS-422/232, RS-485, Ethernet, and other common communication formats.
SPS-2722 Servo Digital Control Unit
The Servo Digital Control Unit (SDC) is a microprocessor-based, servo controller, providing both position and rate-loop control of the positioner.
A firmware download that modifies digital compensation filters allows the position and rate servo-loops to be optimized for different payloads.
The SDC includes multiple RS-422/RS-232/RS-485 and Ethernet ports to allow control of, and access to, the signals generated by sensors and monitoring equipment associated with the payload. CAES' brushless, low-torque-ripple motors and the Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) amplifiers within the SDC provide rapid and precise control of the pedestal.
The SDC monitors servo faults and provides a number of safety features, which include the ability to prevent remote operation of the positioner while maintenance personnel are working on the unit.
The SDC is available for mounting in either a 19-inch EIA rack, a NEMA weatherproof enclosure or it can be custom packaged. The SDC may be commanded by an external computer system, joystick, or autotracker.
SPS-2840 Micro Digital Controller
The MDC is a custom 2-axis servo control board suitable for military application.
The DSP-based,single-board processor is supported by 128 KByte Flash and 64 Kbyte RAM memories plus a serial EEPROM and operates at 400 MFLOPS. The card has 4 channels of 16 bit ADC, 4 channels of 16 bit DAC, 32 bits of Digital I/O, and 4 channels of R/D conversion. Communications with the MDC is via 2 Hi-Speed serial RS-422 and 2 Standard serial RS-232/422/485 interfaces. The MDC is designed to add an Ethernet interface daughterboard for Hi-Speed communications.
The MDC is configured as an ATR or 1/2 ATR enclosure or it may be provided as a 5” square package suitable for mounting in the base of a gimbal. Small Micro Series PWM servo amplifiers can also be mounted in the gimbal for a complete turnkey gimbal/control solution whereby the customer need only supply power and communication inputs. Functionality of the MDC is completed with the software including loop closures, compensation filters, mode control, gain control, BITE, and communication protocol.
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